Monday, April 20, 2009

Oracle Acquisition of Sun Microsystems Interesting!

The topic of corporate acquisition strategy doesn't normally make it into my blog, but I couldn't help but make a few comments about the Oracle acquisition of Sun.

My first thoughts after seeing the headline at O'dark 30 this morning was, good idea! Larry can now take over the only available competition for his DB (MySQL) and find more ways to expand on Java in his current and future solutions. This seems like a win to me. Then I read more and found out that Larry wants to expand into the hardware market and attempt to sell the whole kit and kaboodle, hardware & software into the data center. This, I believe is a failed idea. In pursuing this agenda Larry is literally going back in time. The entire world is moving towards the cloud. In the next two years the hardware layer will become even more commoditized that it is already. Why would you want to invest in your own hardware, when you can sell your software on everyone else's solution?

Just my 2 cents. I'd love to get everyone's thoughts on this.

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